PhD in Geosciences
University of Arizona
MS in Earth Sciences-Geology
Montana State University
BS in Earth Sciences-Geology
Montana State University
I am a PhD candidate at the University of Arizona studying geoscience, broadly interested in convergent margin systems.
I work primarily with Chance Ronemus, Barbara Carrapa and Peter DeCelles to determine the structure and kinematics of the Andean thrust belt between 32-35°S, with particular focus on the hinterland region on the border with Chile.
My research interests involve integrating geologic mapping, low-T thermochronology, geochronology, and thermal history modeling. My work considers new data in a regional context, enabling the testing and/or creation of tectonic and geodynamic models. I enjoy dabbling with GIS software and learning about the complexities of the apatite fission-track method.​
New Publication (February 25): Jepson et al. new paper - stemming from a very fun 2020 field season across the Laramide Province. Lots of new thermochronology data for those interested in the western interior US. doi:10.1130/B37625.1
New Publication (January 25): New paper in Tectonics containing a 4.4 km age-elevation transect up Cerro Mercedario in the south-central Andes. We consider regional exhumation patterns for the Frontal Cordillera of Argentina and the implications for Cenozoic orogenic wedge behavior. PDF here. doi:10.1029/2024TC008433
New Publication (January 25): New paper in P3 addressing the regional transition from eolian dune fields to fluvial and lacustrine environments across the Miocene Climatic Optimum in the central Andes, led by Dr. Sarah George. doi:10.1016/j.palaeo.2025.112732
October-November 2024: Andes expedition
New Publication (July 24): New mapping, thermochronology data, and regional tectonic implications from our 2019 Tibet expedition to the Tangra Yumco Rift, led by my friend Aislin Reynolds. doi:10.55575/tektonika2024.2.1.42
New Publication (March 24): First paper from the TANGO tectonics group, led by my field partner Chance Ronemus. We present new measured sections, geologic mapping, geochronology data, and tectonic interpretations from the Manantiales Basin in Argentina. doi:10.1029/2023TC008100
February-March 2024: Andes expedition
February 2024: Invited talk at the University of Idaho on Feb. 1 dealing with the kinematics of the Sevier thrust belt in western Montana. Also guest speaker at the 16th Gem & Jam Festival on February 4, giving a talk on the geology of the solar system entitled "ROCKY PLANETS & ICY MOONS"
New Publication (January 2024): I self-published my first book LIFE & SPACE on January 26, 2024. It represents a laid back passion project that I've been sporadically piecing together for five years. Check it out here.
October 23: A talk on some Andes work at GSA Connects in Pittsburgh, PA (doi:10.1130/abs/2023AM-394540). Co-convened session T160 Convergent Margin Systems with Chelsea Mackaman-Lofland, Chance Ronemus, and Mary Braza.
New Publication (October 23): The first paper from our 2019 Tibet expedition was published in Terra Nova, led by my buddy Dr. Kurt Sundell. We quantify the Late Cretaceous to Neogene crustal thickness of southern Tibet using single-grain detrital zircon chemistry. Data support the opening of a back-arc basin prior to the final India-Asia collision. doi:10.1111/ter.12689
New Publication (September 23): New paper representing the first chapter of my PhD dissertation published in GSA Bulletin. We present new low-temperature thermochronology data (AFT & ZHe), mapping, and cross sections from the Little Belt Mountains (western Montana, USA). A regional space-time synthesis from the Helena Salient is considered in the context of critical taper theory. doi: 10.1130/B37081.1
September 23: Presented Age-elevation relationships from Cerro Mercedario (6720m) record exhumation of the La Ramada massif, high Andes of western Argentina at the 18th International Conference on Thermochronology, Riva del Garda, Italy.
February 23: I joined the ALFA Mars team, an international group of scientists and engineers searching for life on the red planet. We are working towards a Mars analog experiment in the Arctic in the coming years. See more on the project here.
February 23: Q&A with the UArizona College of Science discussing science communication and recent geoscience outreach efforts. Check it out here.
January-February 23: Andes expedition
October 22: Presented more new science from the Little Belt Mtns at the Annual GSA meeting in Denver.
doi: 10.1130/abs/2022AM-382668
January-March 22: Andes expedition
September 2021: Presented central MT Laramide work at the 17th International Conference on Thermochronology in Santa Fe, NM. doi.org/10.1002/essoar.10508006.1
New Publication (August 2021): New paper in Tectonics with Aislin Reynolds and Drew Laskowski. We present geologic mapping, igneous zircon U-Pb geochronology, zircon (U-Th)/He thermochronology, and Lu-Hf isotopes from the Anaconda metamorphic core complex in western Montana. doi.org/10.1029/2020TC006431
June-July 2021: Field season in Little Belt Mountains, central Montana, USA
April 2021: Presented preliminary low-T thermochronology results from Little Belt Mountains at 49th Annual UA GeoDaze research symposium. Best graduate talk award
New Publication (December 2020): New article in Geosphere with my MS advisor Drew Laskowski. We present new DZ U-Pb and Lu-Hf data from the Flint Creek Basin in western Montana and test the utility of these techniques for tracing the source of placer gold. doi.org/10.1130/GES02226.1
July-August 2020: Field season in northern Laramide of Wyoming and Montana.
New Publication (May 2020): New 1:24,000 scale geologic map across the Anaconda detachment fault, presented as a USGS/MBMG EDMAP sheet.
July-August 2019: Field season in south-central Tibet with Andrew Laskowski, Kurt Sundell, and Aislin Reynolds.
July-August 2018: Eight weeks in Anaconda-Pintler Wilderness mapping quadrangle as part of EDMAP program with field partner Aislin Reynolds.